HIV Testing Week 2025
We have an opportunity to tackle HIV transmissions in the UK and in Calderdale we have Mission Zero which aims to contribute to the UK government aim of reduces transmissions to Zero by 2030. To do this we strongly encourage anyone who may be at risk of HIV to test and access all the support on offer. This includes our local HIV service which offers medications such as PEP, PrEP and testing, provision offered by the Brunswick Centre and during HIV Testing week people can order a home testing kit.
HIV treatment has come a very long way since the early 80's and now it is a very manageable infection which we can effectively treat so it becomes impossible to pass on, and means someone with HIV can live a perfectly normal life.
Home Testing Service
We will always welcome patients into our clinic, but home testing may be a suitable alternative if you do not have symptoms of an infection and you are simply wanting a peace of mind check-up. Our home testing service will only check for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea but if you would like to order a kit then please go to our request webpage and complete our webform; Home Screening Request form
Broad Street Plaza
We aim to keep Walk-in Clinics open until 12noon but during exceptionally busy days we may need to close early. For this reason we would advise anyone attending this provision to arrive as early as possible. To make an appointment please contact us on 01422 261370
Monday | Walk-in Clinic | 9am - 12noon |
| Pre-booked appointments
Walk in-Clinic (18yrs and under only) | 9am – 6:30pm
3pm - 5pm |
Tuesday | Walk-in Clinic Please note:There is no walk-in clinic on the 3rd Tuesday of each month due to a staff meeting. | 9am - 12noon |
| Pre-booked appointments | 9am – 4pm |
Wednesday | Walk-in Clinic | 9am - 12noon |
| Pre-booked appointments | 9am – 6:30pm |
Thursday | Walk-in clinic | 9am - 12noon |
| Pre-booked appointments | 9am – 4pm |
Friday | Walk-in Clinic | 9am - 12noon |
| Pre-booked appointments | 9am - 1pm |
Saturday | CLOSED |
Sunday | CLOSED |
If you have an appointment and need to cancel or re-arrange it please contact our dedicated CANCELLATION PHONE LINE on 01422 261326.
The Portland Clinic @ HRI (HIV Services)
The HIV service continues to run from The Portland Clinic based at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, Lindley.
For an appointment please call 01484 34 7077.
Day | Appointment Times |
Tuesday | 2.00pm - 6.30pm |
Thursday | 9.00am - 4.30pm |
Please be aware that from 1 April 2016 Sexual Health Services in Kirklees are being provided by Locala. Therefore please contact them on telephone number 030 330 9981 or click here - Kirklees Sexual Health
Other Clinic Locations
Our clinics in Todmorden and Brighouse have re-opened, see below tabs for further detail, but please note these are appointment only clinics so please call our main clinic number 01422 261370 to make an appointment before attending.
Brighouse Health Centre
Provision at this venue currently suspended until March. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Todmorden HC (Integrated GU & CASH service)
| |
Wednesday | 3.30pm - 6.30pm Booked appointments - Please pre-book appointments by ringing Broad Street on 01422 261370 to be assessed by a clinician and an appointment will be offered where appropriate. | |
Outside Calderdale
For clinic locations outside of Calderdale the NHS choices and Sexwise websites have a clinic finder function which you may find useful. To access these sites use links below;