Monkeypox is a viral infection usually associated with travel to West Africa. This year there has been in increase in cases in other parts of the world. There have been over 3500 cases in the UK with under a 100 in Yorkshire/Humber. It is usually a mild, self-limiting illness and is usually picked up from close intimate contact with someone with monkey pox infection. Most people recover within a few weeks.
The risk to the UK population is low. However, recent cases are mainly reported in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men and, as the virus spreads through close contact, we are advising those in this community to be alert to any unusual rashes or lesions on any part of their body, especially their genitalia, and to contact Sexual Health Services if they have concerns.
- Unusual rashes or lesions on the body such as the face or genital area
- Fever
- Muscle aches
- Chills and exhaustion
- Headaches
- Swollen lymph nodes
If you are concerned you may have monkeypox symptoms – however mild – please contact Calderdale Sexual Health Services on 01422 261370 or NHS 111 for further advice
Please do not attend the clinic without contacting us first.
Avoid close personal or sexual contact with others until you know that this is not monkeypox.
More information can be found here
There is a vaccination programme in place out across Yorkshire and Humber and you may be eligible for this. To find your nearest Vaccination centre, and find out a bit more information, take a look at the MPOX vaccination site finder
Time to test

Lockdown has provided a unique opportunity to seriously reduce levels of HIV infection and prevent spread.
"We think there may be less and less people around who are super-infectious," says Dr Gary Whitlock, who works at London's Dean Street clinic, which diagnoses a quarter of all the HIV cases in gay men in the UK.
"If they start treatment, or become non-infectious, they can't pass it to anybody so it's a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us to get people at high risk of HIV to test."
Here at the sexual health clinic we are still offering support and if you would like to talk to us about getting tested then get in touch.
Local Support Agencies
Brunswick Centre;
The Brunswick centre offer a range of services aimed at HIV prevention and support, including provision of services for those affected by HIV. They have offices in Huddersfield and Halifax and run a number of support groups and workshops. To find out more about what they do and how they can help visit their website by clicking here or take a look at their latest news here.
Recovery Steps;
A partnership between the Basement Project and Humankind to deliver a service that support individuals suffering substance misuse to reduce harm caused and progress towards recovery. The aim is to work with people to support them to take back control of their lives by having a tailored programme of support which suits them. for more information look at their website here
What is Chemsex?
Chemsex is a commonly used term on sexual networking sites relating to a specific use of recreational drugs in a sexual context, and is separate to the use of recreational drugs for other purposes. Substances are used to facilitate or enhance sex.
Are there risks associated with Chemsex?
Chemsex can be associated with reduced inhibitions leading to more partners and an increased risk of STI's, along with increased likelihood of shared needles.
Where can I get more information on Chemsex?
The following links can provide much more information on this topic;
Brunswick Centre, click here
GMFA Gay Men's Sexual Health Charity, click here
Terrance Higgins Trust, click here
HIV Drug interactions website, click here
Slam Packs;
Slam packs provide a set of resources to reduce risk and help you stay safe. These can be obtained from the Sexual Health Service by asking at Broad Street reception or via the HIV clinic in Huddersfield or through freepost where kits are provided by Brunswick Centre. To order a pack click here, or on the image below
What is PEP?
PEP stands for Post-exposure prophylaxis and is a treatment that can prevent HIV infection after the virus has entered a person's body. The treatment involves taking HIV medication for a month and is highly effective if taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex. However, if the full course is not taken consistently for 28 days, or started after 72 hours (3days) then PEP will not be effective.
Where Can I get PEP
PEP is free on the NHS, although an assessment will need to be made by a doctor or nurse and then depending on risk PEP will be supplied. If you are concerned that you might have acquired HIV then please contact the sexual health service on 01422 261370, or A&E, to enable an assessment and treatment to begin as soon as possible.
More information on PEP can be found through the Terrance Higgins Trust website by clicking here or NHS choices website by clicking here
What is PrEP?
PrEP is medication, containing tenofovir and emtricitabine which can be taken by HIV negative in order to reduce chances of acquiring the infection.
Where can I get PrEP
PrEP is available through the HIV service in Calderdale and Kirklees. You will be offered a consultation to assess eligibility and a full explanation would be provided around how the process of using PrEP works. See our HIV treatment and Care pages for more information.
I'm on PrEP but need some support, where can I go.
There are some useful resources on the web regarding prep, for example:
You can always discuss anything during consultations and our staff will alwasy be very happy to help and support in any way they can, ring the service if you have questions or e-mail us through our contact us section using the "Ask the expert" tab on the right hand side of the page.
finally there are a couple of PrEP trackers out there to help you keep tabs on your PrEP use, which you may find useful.. These are available to download, however the service has not assessed these so cannot make any specific reccomendations.
Preptrack (App developed by the Charity PrEPtrack foundation, andonly available on Apple at the moment, although Android is coming soon)
HPV Vaccine
There are over a hundred different types of HPV than can infect skin and mucous membranes, although most of these cause no symptoms and clear up without any intervention. However, some are associated with cancers and genital warts. The best way to protect yourself against this is vaccination which is offered here at the sexual health service, just give us a ring for an appointment or call in to a queue and wait clinic. See our opening times page for opening time details.
If you would like a little more information on HPV and the vaccine then Public Health England have produced a useful leaflet which can be found HERE